DIY SEO #5: Keyword Popularity Research for Churches

Keyword Popularity ResearchWhen doing popularity research for church related keywords, you will most likely find that there are very few keywords which actually return estimated searches and those figures are probably pretty small, maybe only 10-20 searches a month.  There are two main reasons for this:

  1. You are researching a niche topic within a local area. Even popular topics don’t have huge search popularity if you restrict them to local parameters, but when you take a relatively niche area like churches, the figures get even smaller.
  2. There are a million and one ways to search for a church. Some people use more general keywords, like “churches in Nashville”, but many use more specific searches like including a denomination, a style type (contemporary, traditional), a description (family, community, evangelical), etc.  This means that of the searches that are made for churches are spread out over a large number of keywords.  Most keyword popularity research tools don’t deal in estimates of searches less than 10 searches a month.  So, that means they leave out a lot of the keywords people are using.

So, it’s OK if you only find a few keywords.  You’ll be able to specifically target those and we’ll give you some tips later on for efficiently targeting the larger swathe of keywords which only get a handful of searches each month.

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