Tag Archives: search marketing

Happy Valentine’s Day! Feel the Search Engine Love

Belated Happy Valentine’s Day. Don’t you just love search engines? Sure, they can be challenging at times, but just like a human loved one, if you do the work to develop a good relationship with search engines the love you receive in return is well worth it.

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June SEO Update: Penguin Who? and Prism Impacts Search

June SEO Update: Penguin Who? and Prism Impacts Search

We’ll discuss Penguin 2.0 a bit and look at how the secret government program, Prism, is impacting search as well as look at some other changes that happened in the past several weeks in this month’s SEO Update.

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May SEO Update: Revenge of the Penguins!

May SEO Update: Revenge of the Penguins!

It’s finally here. Penguin 2.0 has been released and the search results are chaotic. But do not fear! We’ll talk about what to do about Penguin 2.0 and the other big changes Google has been making in this months SEO Update video. Click to watch.

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A Welcome Rest – Now Let’s Think and Plan

After last month’s craziness of Google releasing 3 major updates within days of each other, this month has been relatively calm.  Google did release a minor refresh of their Panda update and that’s pretty much it.  Well, technically, Google released about 50 updates, but they were very minor and most had no real effect on […]

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DIY SEO #16: How Link Building Works

DIY SEO #16: How Link Building Works

Link building is a integral part of any SEO project.  There are always keywords your site isn’t ranking well enough for and there are always competitors gunning for you for the keywords for which you are ranking well.  A good link building campaign is the solution to both those problems.  So, how does it work? What are […]

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