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SEO Humor: Google Places In The Funnies

Just a little humor for your day.  The Denver Post carries a comic strip called Rhymes with Orange which had this funny mention of Google Places: Enjoy! Related PostsGoogle Warns Users About Flash and Other Updates July SEO Update: Round and Round the Carousel April SEO Update: Panda Fades and Penguin Looms

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Tell Google What You Think They Should Be Doing

Here’s your chance to tell Google where to go!

Do you have a great idea about what Google should be doing in their algorithm?  Do you have an idea for a new feature you wish Google would develop.  Do you have a complaint about something Google does now that you wish would change?  Maybe you’d like to have infinite search results or maybe voice search is […]

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Google Slips Slightly While Bing-Yahoo Gain

Google Slips Slightly While Bing-Yahoo Gain

The latest Comscore search market share numbers are out for the month of August.  Google is continuing to dominate though they have dropped 0.3% down to just under 65%.  Bing/Yahoo, on the other hand continue to gain ground with a 0.5% increase to a combined total of 31%.  Ask gained slightly to 3% and AOL […]

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DIY SEO 14: Tracking Your Success for your Church or School

DIY SEO 14: Tracking Your Success for your Church or School

With Churches especially and to some extent Schools, success of SEO is not able to be completely tracked online. People who search for your church may find your website and then come to a church service without contacting anyone through the website. The tracking we discuss in the main article will show that someone found […]

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DIY SEO 13: Optimizing Your Local Org’s Web Pages

DIY SEO 13: Optimizing Your Local Org’s Web Pages

Local organizations have a few additional elements to optimize which focus on your location. 1. Meta GEOcoding There are meta tags specifically designed to give the location of your organization.  These meta tags are included in the <head> of each page and are the same for every page, so they can just be included in […]

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DIY SEO 13: Optimizing Your Business’s Web Pages

DIY SEO 13: Optimizing Your Business’s Web Pages

In many steps of the DIY SEO series we have addressed the fact that many businesses have thousands of product pages and it is inefficient to address each product page individually.  We addressed this with keywords and now we need to address it with optimization. It wouldn’t make much sense to spend weeks and weeks […]

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What Aren’t You Seeing On The Internet?

What Aren’t You Seeing On The Internet?

Personalization has been the word of the day for a while now.  But is personalization really good or does it put us safely in a cocoon of information preventing us from seeing anything outside of our previous life experience and expanding our understanding? I recently came across an ad-site for a relatively new search engine, […]

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Google Launches Voice Search

Google Launches Voice Search

First Google started completing our searches for us so we didn’t have to type the whole phrase.  Now, you don’t have to type at all.  Just click and speak. To use voice search just go to Google, click the microphone icon in the bar, and speak.  Pretty simple. httpvh:// Maybe it’s just that I’m really, […]

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Dilbert Takes Stand Against Black Hat SEO

Dilbert Takes Stand Against Black Hat SEO

A little fun to finish out your week of arduous SEO work.  Yesterday, Dilbert delved into the world of SEO… Of course Dibert’s brilliant arguement against black hat SEO didn’t phase his boss one bit and they went ahead with it anyway… Have a great weekend everyone! Related PostsIt’s a New Year! What Will SEO […]

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DIY SEO #12: Choosing Target Keywords For Your Business

DIY SEO #12: Choosing Target Keywords For Your Business

As a business, you may have hundreds, if not thousands of pages devoted to specific products, especially if you are using a shopping cart.  Sure you want to optimize those pages, but creating a list of every page when there are thousands of pages tedious and inefficient. In our previous steps for determining keyword popularity […]

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